Renewable Gas
Cleanworld provides broker services for various biomethane products. We have long experience working with producers, suppliers, industrial companies, portfolio managers, aggregators, and traders in the field. The biomethane market combines the complexity of both compliance and voluntary markets. In addition, the fast-changing domestic and European legal frameworks add even more complexity. Cleanworld has a proven track record and experience in providing various biomethane certificates for import and export between borders, with specific criteria and qualities. In addition, we are experienced in structural products which involve unsubsidized biomethane from countries without any biomethane certificate registries, as well as a broad understanding of different certificate qualities and certifications.
Some of the biomethane products we are servicing:
- Danish Energinet Certificates
- UK RGGOs Certificates
- VertiCer Certificates
- ISCC, RedCert, and NTA8080 Certified certificates and physical deliveries
- Unsubsidized Biomethane
- German DENA registry eligible European biomethane Certificates
- Biomethane Certificates eligible for EU ETS exemption
- Biomethane Certificates eligible for transport and tax benefits
- Biomethane Certificates for voluntary schemes
We work globally with a wide range of stakeholders to provide our services in the rapidly developing voluntary carbon market including project developers, industrials, portfolio managers, aggregators, and traders in the field.
We offer clients looking to offset their unavoidable emissions market access to a wide spectrum of projects, including high-impact climate and social projects which are proving valuable as offsetting is developing into an important tool for reducing unavoidable emissions while supporting the UN sustainable development goals.
We provide market access to voluntary carbon credits that adhere to a wide range of standards, including:
- VCS (Verified Carbon Standard) – Verra
- GS – Gold Standard
- CERs
And with a broad range of additional certification and labeling including:
- CCB Standards (Climate, Community & Biodiversity)
- REDD+ (Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation)
- Corsia (Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation)